
Truck and trailer repair center network TRELO is looking for employees

Are you hardworking, responsible and want to join our team? TRELO truck and trailer service centers are currently looking for new people to join the team!

Rekomenduok draugą ir gauk 500€

Repair center work manager

Belgium, Germany, France
up to 2600 €/mėn. į rankas

Customer Support Specialist

1500-1800€ €/mėn. į rankas

Customer Support Specialist

1500-1800€ €/mėn. į rankas

Auto electrician (shift work)

Belgium, Germany, France
up to 3200 €/mėn. į rankas

Repair technician (shift work)

Belgium, Germany, France
up to 3200 €/mėn.
Career Banner

Why is it worth working in our company?

People, who work at TRELO, are:




TRELO employees additional benefits:

Financial benefits

  • Salary independent of performance.
  • €500 bonus for each recommended newcomer.
  • Monthly allowances for length of service.
  • 3% in the II pension fund. accumulation is paid by the employer.
  • TRELO partner discounts

Growth opportunities

  • Internal TRELO Academy training – both technical and soft skills.
  • The opportunity to raise your category, move to higher positions.

We care about your health

  • Nemokami sezoniniai skiepai nuo gripo ir erkinio encefalito (tau ir tavo šeimos nariams).
  • 200 eur metinis Stebby biudžetą sveikatos ir sveikatinimo paslaugoms ir prekėms.
  • Kelionės rizikų draudimas kadencijų/komandiruočių metu.


  • A community that is easily crazy about what they do at work (in a good way, of course).
  • Managers who communicate and speak humanly.
  • The right attitude and a company that cares about its employees.

And more

  • Free travel to/from the workplace by plane (flights to/from Vilnius or Kaunas airport) or bus.
  • Free accommodation in apartments or houses rented by the company (employees usually live in 1 or 2 rooms).
  • Company transport with fuel for day trips during terms (and believe me, people from Trelew travel a lot!).
  • Internal initiatives, competitions and events for employees and family members.

Employee feedback

  • Karolis Giga (Head of Procurment and Logistics, 7 years)

    It is interesting to work here, because the company does not stop growing, and as a matter of fact, the growth process does not allow standing still, it forces you to move forward, grow and improve. I am most motivated here by the team I have as a manager - when working with such people, you simply cannot afford to be unmotivated.

  • Paulius Stravinskas (Head of HR and Communication, 3 years)

    Working at TRELO is working for YOURSELF - you are the master of your working time. While working here, you constantly improved and grew together with the whole team and the company. What motivates me the most is freedom and the fact that the work and effort you put in is fully appreciated. TRELO can really boast of the right attitude towards employees.

  • Nikas Paulauskas (Supply manager, 4 years)

    Working at TRELO means being part of and contributing to a constantly growing and progressive company that makes Lithuania famous 🇱🇹 I am motivated here by the appreciation of work and effort 😎

Esame tarptautinė, nuolat auganti ir ambicingų tikslų siekiant įmonė, telpanti į pavadinimą TRELO. Šiuo metu valdome 12 paslaugų centrų (Lietuvoje, Belgijoje, Vokietijoje ir Prancūzijoje), klientams teikdami tokias paslaugas, kaip sunkvežimių, priekabų ir puspriekabių remontas; padangos ir servisas automobiliams; stogo bagažinių, skersinių ir dviračių laikiklių nuoma ir prekyba; šveidški Modul-System įrengiai N1 tipo komerciniams mikroautobusams.  Esame „vyčiai, užkariaujantys Europą!”- taip apie mus sako mūsų draugas ir partneris Benediktas Vanagas.

Žmonės renkasi TRELO dėl:*

  • Žmogiško bendravimo su vadovais (89 proc.)
  • Komandos, su kuria dirba (87 proc.)
  • Darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo derinimo (84 proc.)
  • Finansinių skatinimo priemonių (83 proc.)

Kodėl TRELO kitiems rekomenduotų čia jau dirbantys?*

  • eNPS – 42 (kas antras trelietis rekomenduotų TRELO kaip darbovietę kitiems).
  • 83 proc. treliečių įmonę apibūdina kaip patikimą darbdavį.



*2024 metų darbuotojų nuomonės tyrimo rezultatai

Contacts for more information
Talentų pritraukimo partnerė | Personalo projektų partnerė
Erika Viskantienė | Jolita Dabužinskaitė
Trelo Truck Trailer Repairment 13 years of experience


Since 2010, TRELO has been offering its customers truck and trailer repair services and providing technical assistance to carriers on the road. Our range of services is extremely wide: computer diagnostics, wheel geometry adjustment, tire installation and balancing, complete vehicle preparation for technical inspection. Trelo specialists are ready to eliminate all breakdowns for tractors and trailers of various manufacturers both in their repair centers and on the road.

  • Honesty and reliability - job list and prices are provided before repairs begin
  • Repair centers in convenient locations for carriers
  • Repair work for trucks and trailers of all manufacturers
  • Short repair time because we have a large stock of parts in our warehouse
  • Multilingual service in all repair centers
  • Service at the best possible price
  • Breakdown assistance


Contact us for all your truck repair questions. Below you will find contacts of TRELO services in Belgium, Germany, France and Lithuania.

Trelo Truck Repair Services Europe